A research of human weather dependence (meteoropathy), conducted by the online survey of users of the Meteoagent app and other participants from the Web
The goal of the research is to prevent and predict meteoropathy through the study of symptoms and pain sensations of meteoropaths.
300 participants
300 respondents from USA and Europe took part in our weather dependence survey
18-65 age
We attracted data from age groups in equal proportion.
10 questions
10 questions that helped us better understand people who are sensitive to weather and their feelings.
Data & Analytics
Participants' anonymous Health Data and Analytics from the Weatheragent App.
Conclusions from the Research
The conducted research and survey of users allow to add justification to the hypothesis that:
The weather on Earth and the activity of the Sun can affect a person's health.
The analysis of users' wellbeing of the MeteoAgent application and the survey conducted indicate that respondents feel the regularity of sharp changes in the weather and their own wellbeing.
Weather-dependent people react to:
#1 - Solar storms at k-index 5 and higher #2 - Sharp drops in barometric pressure #3 - Sharp drops in air temperature
Human health can experience pain and other negative sensations due to weather changes
Respondents and users of the MeteoAgent app note that during sharp changes in weather and other factors, their bodies experience varying degrees of the following negative sensations:
№1 – Headaches №2 – Weakness, apathy №3 – Pain in different parts of the body.
A person's lifestyle affects their weather sensitivity
The research showed that more than half of the weather-sensitive respondents lead a moderate or low-active lifestyle, and more than half of the surveyed weather-sensitive people experience an average level of stress and higher throughout the day.
Each organism's reaction is an individual
Research shows that the painful sensations experienced during meteoropathy differ from each other.
Respondents experience various types of pain, including at different times, which is determined by the individual immunity and health of each person.
Current Version: 0.5 Autors: Meteoagent, 2023 License: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 Link:
If you feel bad or experience symptoms of meteoropathy, immediately consult a doctor for a thorough medical examination
Browse our collection of research and publications on meteoropathy, which includes studies on the influence of weather on health and well-being.
METEOAGENT is a mobile app designed for weather-sensitive individuals who experience meteoropathy symptoms (weather pains)
Meteoagent displays sudden weather changes and alerts people of any potential impacts on their well-being
Now is the time to use weather prediction technologies to protect your health
- Follow the weather changes
- Understand weather pain
- Adapt your health to the weather